SJRC Term 4 Week 4 - 3rd November 2023

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What a Year for Esther Cummins!

WINNER 2023 Country to Canberra’s Leadership Competition


Congratulations to Year 10 student Esther Cummins, who was recently announced as one of the winners of the Country to Canberra's Leadership Competition. Esther was one of fifteen winners across regional and rural Australia. This is a fantastic opportunity for Esther to develop her leadership aspirations further. Below is an interview with Esther, and also following is the link to her winning entry.

Why did you enter Country to Canberra’s Leadership Competition?

I entered Country to Canberra’s Leadership Competition as I wanted to further develop my leadership, communication and advocacy skills, which will power my ability to succeed in my future. Additionally, I wanted the opportunity to meet inspiring young women from across Australia who share my passions for change-making and justice.

What do you hope to get out of the Power Trip?

I hope that the Power Trip gives me direction for my future and allows me to better myself in all aspects of my life, whether that be through increasing my knowledge and skills, shaping my understanding of leadership or helping me to further appreciate the value of different perspectives.

Who is your role model, and why?

An inspiring role model of mine is my late grandfather, Charles Buckland. Pop’s passion for hard work and perfection, demonstrated through his dawn to dusk days even during retirement, his love of Country and his utmost pride in his Birrbay heritage continues to shape and influence who I am today.

What’s your favourite thing about living in rural Australia?

My favourite thing about living in rural Australia is our unique way of life. We are bordered by pristine beaches and coastlines, are surrounded by biodiverse rainforests and are sustained by fertile farmlands. We enjoy all of this while being able to access the resources and services of Port Macquarie.

What’s your main goal or ambition (right now or in the future)?

My goal for the coming years is to dedicate my time to my studies; I am a strong believer in the power of education. Looking forward, I aspire to enter into a political career with the dream of being able to make lasting changes for our communities and natural environment.

Tell us a couple of things you do to relax or have fun.

I love to spend my time outside in nature, going for bushwalks, gardening or caring for my animals. In my downtime, I love to keep up to date with Australian politics and current affairs through listening to podcasts, watching debates and documentaries and reading articles in the media.

2023 Rising Stars Leadership Camp with Walanga Muru at Macquarie University!


We also congratulate Esther for her selection at the 2023 Rising Stars Leadership Camp with Walanga Muru at Macquarie University!

The Academy is a fantastic opportunity for young Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women who have an interest and aspirations in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

A bit more about the program:

The Academy provides a holistic, streamlined and culturally appropriate approach to improving young women’s access to STEM opportunities and careers by connecting them with researchers, industry and a community of like-minded Indigenous female peers across the country. CSIRO works with students until Year 12, when they are transitioned to CareerTrackers, who will support Academy students through university or another pathway. The program has been designed to combine STEM extension activities and individualised support for participants, including financial support, academic support and goal-setting / learning journal activities. I encourage you to look at our program to understand a bit more about what is offered.

An important part of the work that we do when a student joins the academy is building a strong and respectful relationship with the school community so that together, we can work alongside the young women and their families into the future.

Congratulations, Esther, on your achievements.

Student Leadership Team

It was truly delightful to witness the presence of numerous parents at our morning tea, where we acknowledged the newly appointed Student Leadership Team. I look forward to collaborating with our student leaders as they work on expanding our College spirit through their innovative ideas.

Once again, congratulations to our 2023/2024 Student Leaders.



Student Leaders - Mission

Student Leaders - Sustainability


Student Leaders - Wellbeing

Student_Leaders_Wellbeing_10_.jpgabsent- Arin Godbole

House Captains


EARLY DISMISSAL- Monday 13th November 2023

On Monday, 13th November, students will be dismissed from classes at 2.50pm.
Students can be collected by parents at that time, walk home or drive home as usual. Students waiting for buses or collection after 3.15pm will be supervised by staff.
Teachers will be attending Mandatory Professional Learning on the Child Safe Standards.

Principal Appraisal

As a condition of my contract as Principal of St Joseph's Regional College in the Diocese of Lismore, I will undergo an appraisal on
27th November 2023.
Please find attached a letter from the appraisal process chair, Michael Mullaly.

Appraisal Information Letter

Tanya Daley

Web Article Principal's Message Student Leadership Team Indigenous Education

Year 11 Semester Two Awards

This week, we acknowledged the academic achievements of our Year 11 students as they have now completed their Year 11 coursework. While this year's current Year 11 cohort is still known as 'Year 11', they have commenced their HSC coursework. I spoke to Year 11 and encouraged them to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle outside of school during the subsequent three terms, finding balance as they move towards their HSC examinations.

Thank you to the parents and friends who joined us for this celebration. Well done, Year 11 and keep challenging yourself academically.

Congratulations to the following students who were presented with awards at the ceremony.Congratulations fancy.png

St Joseph’s Regional College Spirit Award

Our College prayer aims to capture all that we stand for at St Joseph’s Regional College. It speaks of respect, justice, faith, striving for excellence and preparing for the challenges of creating a better tomorrow. It is everything that Catholic education is about.

The St Joseph’s Regional College Spirit Award recognises those students who do not settle for less. It isn’t for excellence in one area but for those students across the school who live out the words of our prayer, whose actions and thoughts make this world a better place – in the classroom, the playground, with friends, in areas of interest and even when doing things they might not particularly enjoy.

Congratulations to the worthy College Spirit Award recipients: Lauren Johnston and Maisy Taylor


St Agnes' Parish Service Award

Congratulations, Marli Leighton, on being the recipient of the Year 11 2023 St Agnes' Parish Service Award, which recognises young people who are actively participating in ministry within St Agnes' Parish. They are committed Catholics who seek to support the Parish’s vision and mission that ‘everything is to be oriented towards the praise and glory of God’. Throughout the year, Marli has demonstrated consistent and outstanding service to St Agnes' Parish. His actions and thoughts make our community a better place.

Marli is an outstanding young man with a deep sense of spirituality. He is to be congratulated on his profound commitment to live out the gospel message, particularly through his devoted involvement within our parish community. Marli has participated in many diocesan discipleship events such as LEAD, SHINE, Ignite and Kairos, where he is a trusted and much-admired leader. He has regularly participated in the parish Encounter youth group and often contributes to discussion and planning for school-based mission initiatives.

This young man is passionate about living his faith and is an excellent role model to the young people within our parish due to his commitment to living out the Gospel values.

Congratulations, Marli.


Griffith University Year 11 Spark Award

Well done, Aryan, on receiving the Griffith University Year 11 Spark Award, which celebrates the fantastic work young people do to make their world a better place. The Spark Award acknowledges a Year 11 student who is doing the things that matter to create a brighter future. It recognises a student who demonstrates leadership qualities, an innovative mindset, values of inclusivity and ethics, balance, passion and uniqueness.
Congratulations, Aryan

First Place in Course

Congratulations to the following students on receiving first place in their course.

Design and Technology Aden Young
English Standard James Merkus
Food Technology Laura Smith
Geography Alexander Farley
Equal First Place in Industrial Technology Timber Deegan Mason & Hamish Hawkins
Investigating Science Oscar Hoad
Equal first place in Mathematics Standard Thomas Little &
Maisy Taylor
Music Hudson Potter
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lauren Johnston
Equal First place in Studies of Religion 2 Ava-Grace Hawker
Equal first place in Textiles and Design Mia Pepper &
Mary Slater
Visual Arts Keiana Dreelan
Legal Studies
Zoe Copeland
Equal first place in Business Studies
Olivia Moore
English Extension 1
Equal first place in Business Studies
Sophia Dominguez
Community & Family Studies
Charlotte Shee
Modern History
Nicholas Honeysett
Studies of Religion 1
Abhishek Amada
Ancient History
Earth and Environmental Science
Gabriel Moore
English Advanced
Engineering Studies
Mathematics Advanced
Mathematics Extension 1
Equal first place in Studies of Religion 2
Aryan Vaishnav


Outstanding Achievement (Gold)
To receive an Outstanding Achievement Award, students in Year 11 must have received Excellence and Application Awards in four or more subjects

Congratulations to the Outstanding Achievement Award recipients:

Abhishek Amada
Zoe Copeland
Sophia Dominguez
Lauren Johnston
James Merkus
Aryan Vaishnav

Outstanding Application (Green)
To receive an Outstanding Application Award, students in Year 11 must have received Application Awards in five or more subjects. 

Congratulations to the Outstanding Application Award recipients:

Lilly-Rose Bajt
Danny Barratt
Logan Bourke
Reghan Buckley
Zoe Bulmer
Adam Cook
Isabel Dickinson
Jack Downing
Keiana Dreelan
Rhea Edden-Moore
Alexander Farley
Jessica Glover
Arin Godbole
Bella Harvey
Ava-Grace Hawker
Teleah Hicks
Brock Holliday
Nicholas Honeysett
Mackenzie Jenkins
Grace Kruk
Bailey Moore
Gabriel Moore
Olivia Moore
Cora Puttick
Lucas Pynaert
Jaidyn Sharp-Rofe
Charlotte Shee
Mary Slater
Maisy Taylor
Alana Toogood
Madeleine Tunbridge
Emma Wheeler
Jett Willows
Aden Young

Year 11 Community Service Awards

To receive a Community Service Award, students must have completed 10 or more hours of community service.

Grace Kruk
James Merkus
Gabriel Moore
Olivia Moore
Cora Puttick
Charlotte Shee
Maisy Taylor

100% Attendance

Congratulations on an outstanding effort in achieving 100% attendance during your Year 11 course.

Ian Lutton
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
Web Article Year 11 Award Ceremonies Awards Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Save the Date- Monday 20th November, 6:00pm:

“Positive Parenting to Support a Successful Teen”

Parenting today’s teenagers is a hard and complex job. Setting appropriate boundaries, teaching responsibility and navigating social media and gaming are just some of the challenges today’s parents are facing in a social and cultural landscape that is more dynamic and complex than it has ever been. We warmly invite all families to attend the College for a parenting workshop that will provide strategies and support for parents of today’s teenagers.

Please see the flyer attached and RSVP place via THIS LINK.

This week in Extended PC, all students continued their focus on the VIA Character Strengths. We encourage parents to discuss this with their child. Refer to pages 6 & 7 of the Student Diary as a starting point for a strengths-based discussion with your child. Also, in Extended PC, students in Years 7 - 11 extended their work on developing IT skills to support learning. This week, we stepped through a simple 3 - 5 minute IT routine students can work through on their laptops each morning to set themselves up for a successful day. Thank you again to Mr Adrian Ryan, Leaders of Student Wellbeing - Positive Programs and Mr Ryan Moore, Leader of Digital Pedagogies, for preparing our resourcing for Extended PC and always being ready to help our students grow their wellbeing and IT skills.

RYDA Program

Ryda_logo.JPGOn the 17th November, all Year 11 students will spend the day participating in the RYDA Program. We are very excited to be bringing this program to SJRC for the first time. RYDA is a driver safety workshop facilitated by presenters, including Police, driving instructors and other community sector specialists. More information can be accessed via the RYDA website.

Family Connect

All families are reminded of the amazing Family Connect service offered free of charge to all SJRC families. Please refer to the flyer below for additional information and self-referral information.


Jennifer Furney
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care

Web Article Pastoral Care Student Welfare

Socktober for Catholic Missions


Last week was Mission Week, a week in the Australian Catholic Church’s calendar dedicated to supporting the important work of Catholic Missions. The week culminated with Socktober Crazy Sock Day. I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of our College community for their incredible support in our recent fundraising efforts for Catholic Missions. Your dedication and enthusiasm will make a significant impact.

A special mention must go to our outstanding Student Mission Leadership Team, whose passion, leadership, and willingness to give time to promoting events such as our Zooper Dooper drive and Crazy Sock Day for Socktober. Your commitment to helping those in need is truly commendable. Your leadership has been instrumental in the success of our Mission fundraising campaign, and we are grateful for your hard work and dedication.


Through your contributions and involvement, we have not only raised much-needed funds for Catholic Missions but have also brought attention to the importance of helping those less fortunate around the world. Your support has shown that our school community is a force for positive change, and we are proud to have such compassionate and caring individuals among us.

Let's continue to work together to make the world a better place, one small act of kindness at a time.

Parish Christmas Hamper Drive

For many years now our Parish has put together and delivered hundreds of hampers to families experiencing hardship. We invite families to enter into the real spirit of Christmas, the spirit of giving to others. At school each of our Pastoral Care Classes will be collecting goods to make up a Christmas Hamper for families within our broader community who are in need of assistance. This year, as we do every year, our College will support many families through the Christmas Hamper Appeal. This is a real opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives and it’s a real pleasure to see the joy on others faces when they receive a hamper unexpectedly.

Your child/children may ask you for cash or items to support our Christmas Hamper Appeal as students are being asked to bring a specific item to add to a Box or bring a monetary contribution to purchasing some of the items. All items will need to be brought in over the next 3 weeks. Hamper Boxes will be packed an delivered to families across the Hastings region.

Thank you in anticipation of your support for this wonderful Christmas Initiative. It is amazing to see the joy on the faces of those who receive Hampers each year! As always, we appreciate your support for the many ways the College supports our communities.


Year 11 Reflection Day

On Monday, our senior students travelled to Francis Retreat in Bonny Hills for a day of reflection. Much of the day was centred around a quote from Marianna Williamson:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

It was an opportunity for students to reflect on where they have come from and where they are going. Students engaged in prayer and time within small groups where they were able to share about themselves and gain greater insight into their peers - acknowledging that we take this journey through to the HSC together.

We offer deep gratitude to Mrs Kellie Croft and Mr Shane Hyland for their organisation and facilitation of the day. We also thank Emily Burg, our College Youth Minister, and Zac Parnell, or Parish Youth Minister for their contributions. I also extend thanks to the teachers who facilitate the small groups throughout the day.


Journey into the Catholic Faith

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, please see the flyer below for information and a link to register for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

St Agnes' Church Gospel Reflections 

Fr Paul Gooley is continuing to provide Gospel readings and reflections via email and online Monday to Saturday for those interested in connecting with their faith in this way.

Click to watch Fr Paul's Gospel Readings and Reflections.

St Agnes' Parish News Bulletin

Each week the Parish produces a news bulletin. In this week’s bulletin:

  • Stage 2 of Church works
  • Pastoral Care Week
  • Emmaus Village Update
  • Journey into the Catholic Faith
  • Mass times and more!

Click to read this week's PARISH NEWS BULLETIN

Matthew Bushe
Assistant Principal- Mission
Web Article Retreats & Reflection Days Assistant Principal - Mission

Sunday the 5th of November: How to pray

Approximately 593,466,219 books have been written about prayer, but how do you do it?

Come along to Youth this Sunday and learn how to pray. We’ll be having Spag Bol for dinner, there’ll be games, and a surprise guest!

Sunday 6-8PM | @THE YOUTH HUB | $5 for dinner


St Agnes' Parish News Mass and Liturgies


2024 School Travel Applications are Now Open

Students who need a School Opal card or travel pass for 2024 can apply HERE. A new application will need to be submitted if they are applying for the first time, or if they are requesting additional travel entitlement because of new shared parental arrangement (e.g. joint custody).

Students who change address, school, campus location, have repeated a year or received an expiry notification from Transport for NSW for their school travel entitlement should renew or update their details before the end of Term 4. This will ensure that schools can endorse applications, and entitlements remain valid for the start of the 2024 school year. School Opal card holders will have the changes applied to their existing card.

If a student’s distance eligibility has changed based on their grade (i.e. grade two to grade three), the system will automatically update their entitlement if they meet the new criteria. If they do not meet the new eligibility criteria, we will send them an expiry notification via email.

Students who have an entitlement approved under a medical condition that is due to expire will receive a notification advising them to re-apply.

Term Bus Pass holders will receive a notification to re-apply.

Students in the Opal network applying for an Opal card (including a Term Bus Pass) for the first time will receive their Student Opal card at their nominated postal address. Cards will be mailed out from January 2024.

Students living in rural and regional (R&R) areas should receive their travel pass at the start of the new school year from their nominated transport operator. It may come via the school or be sent directly to them at home. Note: some R&R operators do not issue travel passes. Students/parents should confirm with their nominated operator if they do not receive a pass.

Travel from Term 1 2024

We ask that parents plan ahead and make sure their child knows which service/s to use and has a valid ticket to travel; either a School Opal card or Child/Youth Opal card (within Greater Sydney) or a School Travel Pass (outside Greater Sydney), from the start of the school year.

Applications for 2024 School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) travel open at the start of Term 4 2023, so parents/students can apply or update details early and be ready for the start of the new school year.

Most students using the Opal network will not need a new Opal card and can continue travelling on their existing card each year.

The start of the year is a busy period for local transport operators, and students travelling without a valid ticket make service planning and operations difficult.

We recognise that for some families last minute changes to school enrolments mean they may not have a School Opal card or Travel Pass for the start of term. In the Opal network, we strongly encourage these families to have their children travel with a Child/Youth Opal card until they receive their valid School Opal card. If outside Greater Sydney, parents should contact their local bus operator to discuss their travel needs.

Bus operators are flexible and understanding, particularly at the start of the school year, and will ensure students can travel safely to and from school. But to best support our operators we encourage all students to have a valid ticket, as early as possible, from the start of the school year.

Traffic Management Student News

Volunteers Wanted


We cannot run the canteen without you; as the saying goes:

"Many Hands Make Light Work".

If you are able to spare an hour or so of your time, we would
love for you to join us.

Please contact Breeanna Stone through the College Office on 5525 4100.

Weekly Lunch Specials
Term 4 Week 5 Lunch Specials 
Monday Tuscan Chicken Wings & Pasta Salad
Tuesday Chicken Parmi Burger
Wednesday Chicken Quesadilla
Thursday Roast Vege Salad
Friday Gourmet Sausage Dogs
Term 4 Week 6 Lunch Specials 
Monday Honey Soy Wings & Fried Rice
Tuesday Chicken Schnitzel Wrap & Salad Wrap
Wednesday Chicken & Bacon Pasta Bake
Thursday Beef Nachos
Friday Pizza (meat lovers or cheese)

The Canteen opens at 8.00 am every school day.

CLICK HERE for the Canteen's everyday menu.

Breeanna Stone
Food Services Manager


St Joseph's Regional College has a number of different social media platforms. We would love for you to follow us.

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Administration News

Parish Retreat - Season of Renewal

Please see the flyer below for information on the upcoming Parish Retreat Day, along with a QR code to register.
