SJRC Newsletter: Term 1 Week 10 - 5th April 2024

Pupil Free Days

Friday 12th April - Staff Spirituality Day

Monday 29th April - Staff Professional Development Day


Easter Mass

In celebration of the Easter season, our college united for a beautiful and meaningful Easter Mass, fostering unity and reflection within our community. Led by Father Paul Gooley, our Parish Priest, the Mass was a testament to the significance of the Easter message, enriched by his guidance and spiritual leadership.

Gratitude extends to Mr. Shane Hyland, Leader of School Evangelisation, for his meticulous planning, ensuring the creation of such a beautiful Mass. We also acknowledge Emily Burg, our College Youth Minister, and Zac Parnell, our Parish Youth Coordinator, for their dedicated preparations for the occasion.

A heartfelt thank you is extended to the talented musicians whose ministry uplifted our spirits and set the tone for our worship, adding depth to our celebration.
We are equally thankful to the readers and other helpers whose contributions ensured the smooth running of the Mass, recognising that their efforts behind the scenes were integral to the event's success.

To every student and staff member who participated with reverence and enthusiasm, your presence and engagement made this Easter Mass a truly special and memorable occasion.

As we continue to cherish the Easter message of hope, renewal, and redemption, let us carry the spirit of this Mass with us in our daily lives, embodying its values of love and compassion.

School Improvement and School Review

As I have previously advised, our College will undergo a school review process next term in week 3 (14-17th May). If you would like to volunteer to attend the College on Tuesday 14th May 2.30-3.00pm to have a discussion with an ACER reviewer regarding how your child’s learning and wellbeing outcomes are being met, please complete the google form HERE

Volunteers will be advised at the commencement of Week 2, Term 2.

Mrs Tanya Daley

Principal's Message Mass and Liturgies Pupil Free Day School Improvement Plan

As we enter the last week of Term One, I would like to congratulate all the students who have successfully navigated their studies over the course of the term. Students have been encouraged throughout the term to set high expectations for themselves and the quality of the work they do on a daily basis. Whilst we often experience highs and lows during a term, a focus on continuous improvement and a steady deepening of skills and understandings helps us to navigate our educational journey throughout Years 7-12. With most subjects having completed one assessment task this term, it is important to reflect on the feedback provided and identify areas of growth for Term Two.

Finally, I wish all our students a happy and as we enjoy the well-earned rest over the school holidays and a chance to recharge our batteries for the demands of Term Two

Year 7-11 Progress Reports

In Week 11 Year 7-11 Interim Reports will be published on the Compass dashboard. These progress reports are a good guide to how your daughter or son has progressed during Term1 and report on a student’s work habits and their approach to learning in their individual classes. Parents and students are encouraged to look at the interim reports and reflect on how they have performed across the term and set some goals for term Two.

Year 12 Semester 1 Reports and Awards Ceremony Wednesday 8th May 9:00 am in the PAC

A reminder that Year 12 Semester 1 reports will be issued after the Awards Ceremony which will occur on Wednesday 8th May at 9:00 am in the PAC. Parents will be informed via a Compass notification at the beginning of next term if their child is receiving an award.

Mr Ian Lutton
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Reporting Award Ceremonies Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Love Bites Respectful Relationships Progam


Last week, twenty SJRC staff were trained as facilitators of the Love Bites Respectful Relationships Program. We look forward to sharing this program with our Year 10 students later this year and embedding the program into our school. More information about the Love Bites Program can be found at THIS LINK This program is part of our school-wide focus on respectful relationships and consent education.


At SJRC, we actively challenge students to acknowledge their strengths, build their resilience and develop confidence. There is a range of accessible and relevant reading outlining the importance of actively developing resilience in today’s teens. The Weekend Australian Magazine published a recent summary of Jonathan Haidt’s book, The Anxious Generation. The article outlines 20 specific “rules” for building resilience in teens in an adolescent world characterised by over-exposure to smartphones and a social trend of “virtual” connections. Read the full article at THIS LINK or a sample of Haidt’s “rules” for 14 - 18 year olds below:

Rule 15: Rely more on your teen at home. Teens can cook, clean, and run errands on a bicycle or public transport. “Relying on your teen is not just a tool to instil work ethic; it’s a way to ward off the feeling among Gen Z teens that their lives are useless”.

Rule 16: Encourage your teen to find a part-time job, or volunteer work. Having a boss who is not you is a great experience, even if it’s not a pleasant one. Even one-off gigs are good. It’s empowering for a young person to earn their own money – and have control over how it is spent.

Rule 19: Bigger thrills in nature. Let your teens go on bigger, longer adventures, with their friends or with a group: backpacking, rock climbing, canoeing, swimming, hiking – trips that get them out into nature and inspire real-world thrills, wonder, and competence.

Cybersafety Presentations

Managing social media and online activity is one of the biggest challenges in parenting today’s adolescents. Next week we will welcome our Schools Liaison Police Officer who will deliver Cybersafety presentations to students in Year 7 and Year 8. For parents, there is a lot of useful reading available to support you to open conversations and negotiate boundaries with your teen. The “Raising Children”site and the Office of the eSafety Commissioner are great starting points for parents:

Jennifer Furney
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care

Assistant Principal - Pastoral Student Welfare

Happy Easter!
Yes, it is still Easter for a few more weeks!
"He is not here; he has risen!"
Luke 24:6-7

The Easter season is a time of great joy and celebration for Catholics around the world. It begins with Easter Sunday as we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and extends for fifty days until the feast of Pentecost (this year on Sunday 19th May). During this time, we reflect on the central mysteries of our faith and rejoice in the new life that Christ offers us.

At its heart, Easter is a celebration of hope and renewal. It reminds us of the profound love that God has for each and every one of us, a love so great that he was willing to sacrifice his only Son for our salvation. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus conquered sin and death, offering us the promise of eternal life.
Throughout the Easter season, we are called to deepen our faith and grow closer to God. We do this through prayer, reflection, and continuing with acts of charity. It is a time to renew our commitment to living out the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives and to share his message of love and compassion with others.
The Easter season ends with the feast of Pentecost, which commemorates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. It marks the birth of the Church and reminds us of the ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, guiding and sustaining us on our journey of faith.
We understand that not everyone may be familiar with the traditions and customs associated with the Easter season, but we invite you to join us in celebrating this joyous time. Whether you are of the Christian faith or someone who is exploring their faith for the first time, there is a place for you in our community.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the Easter season and its significance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you and your children and we would love to accompany you on your spiritual journey.
Related to this is a new opportunity for our students…

Journey in the Catholic Faith for Teens (JCFT)

For the first time in many years, we are able to offer a 10-week, afterschool, on-site, user-friendly JCFT Program each Wednesday from the 8th of June. This will occur after school from 3:30 to 4:30 in our College Chapel. Historically this has been run at St Agnes Church and has been a little more lengthy. Our Parish Youth Coordinator has tailored this program to meet our students where they are in the early stages of their faith journey.

Who is JCFT for?

  • Students who have received their sacraments but would like to understand more of their Catholic faith.
  • Students who have been baptised but not confirmed who would like to become a full member of the Catholic Church.
  • Students who have received no sacraments and would like to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church.

What would JCFT look like? A 1-hour session with:

  • Afternoon Tea and Icebraker/Grabber/Activity
  • Essential knowledge to understand the Catholic Faith
  • Prayer
  • Small Group Discussion / Reflection Questions

If you are interested please complete this Expression of Interest


KAIROS Retreat

Thank you to Mr Timo Gobius who will be co-faciliating a Senior student retreat in Week 11. This is in partnership with MacKillop Senior College. A great deal of preparation goes into preparing other senior students as this is a peer-led retreat experience.

Easter Mass

I also extend my thanks to Mr Shane Hyland, Zac Parnell, Miss Emily Young, Emily Burg, Callum Pender-Buchan and so many other staff for their work in preparing for our beautiful Easter Mass. To the other musicians, Altar-servers, readers and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion - you all added so much to the reverence and sacredness of the celebration.




Did you know the Emmanuel Worship is coming next week? For those who have been to IGNITE, you will know how amazing this worship team are.

Zac Parnell has organised three parts to their visit:

  • Music In Liturgy Workshop 5 - 6 pm
  • Eucharistic Adoration 6:30 - 7:30 pm
  • BBQ Dinner 7:30 - 8:30 pm

You are welcome all of these times. It will be an opportunity to meet the team and to learn from their expertise in worship and ministry.

To RSVP, please fill in this Google Form


St Agnes' Church Gospel Reflections 

Fr Paul Gooley is continuing to provide Gospel readings and reflections via email and online Monday to Saturday for those interested in connecting with their faith in this way.

Click to watch Fr Paul's Gospel Readings and Reflections.

St Agnes' Parish News Bulletin

The Parish news bulletin is produced weekly. In this week's bulletin:

  • Fr Pauls Easter Message
  • Bishop Gregs Easter Message
  • Lake Cathie change of Mass times
  • Volunteers needed
  • Mass times and more

The latest edition is available via this link Parish News Bulletin

Mr Matthew Bushe
Assistant Principal- Mission
Evangelisation Assistant Principal - Mission

We invite all prospective families to attend the Year 7 2025 Information and Open Evening on Tuesday 7th May at 5.00 pm in the College Hall. Please register to attend HERE

Please see below a flyer for the evening and a timeline of the enrolment process. If you have not applied to your child please do so before the Information and Opening evening at the following link Enrolment Application


Following our previous correspondence regarding the closure of King Creek Bridge on King Creek Rd, Port Macquarie Hastings Council have confirmed the new start date for these works. Therefore, commencing Monday 8th April 2024, Morning School Bus S658 and Afternoon School Bus S536 & S961 will be required to divert as detailed in the attached letters.

The attached letters detailing the above changes will be distributed to students on the affected services from this afternoon until Friday 5th April.

For additional information, please refer to your schools timetabled services at: and select the link adjacent to your schools’ name; “New timetable | 08 Apr 2023”. Alternatively, you can contact Busways Customer Service on 1300 69 2929 or


Music Notes

Music notes.png

If your child has expressed an interest in learning a stringed instrument I'm pleased to
let you know that we have sourced an experienced and well respected string teacher who will be available for group or individual lessons.

Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass.

Please register your interest by sending me an email here -

Sarah Butler
Acting Coordinator of Co-Curricular Music.

CoCurricular Music

Donations wanted:

One of our Year 12 Visual Art students is wanting your help with donations of the following items for her Major body of Work.

Old toys, bits of broken technology, keys, makeup containers, unwanted jewellery or beads, lids from drinks, bits of metal, fabric, unwanted clothing, etc.

Please drop off the items at the college office if you can assist.

Creative Arts

The Encounter Youth Program is on every Sunday at the Youth Hub.  Come along and join in the fun.

Sunday the 7th April: Waiting

Have you ever waited for something before? Ever wanted to buy something new? Felt like you were waiting for such a long time for something? Have you ever felt stuck in a time of waiting in prayer or faith? If you have ever asked any of these questions, come along to Encounter this weekend to find out what waiting is all about.

This is our last Youth Group for the term.

Thanks for your support of a big term at Encounter Youth and have a great break!

  • - Sunday 7th April
  • - 6:00 - 8:00pm @ The Youth Hub
  • - $5 for dinner

St Agnes' Parish News Evangelisation
Congratulations to former student and this week's alumni - Eilidh Aldridge. Now employed as a qualified Speech Pathologist, Eilidh was able to undertake an exciting overseas study and work placement in Fiji during the course of her degree, including 'immersing in the culture, and understanding their access to allied health services'. We are so proud of your achievements Eilidh!

#SpeechPathologist #wherearetheynow #aHSC4opportunity 


Alumni - Where are you now?

St Joseph's Regional has a rich tradition spanning over 50 years, so if you're a parent, grandparent, community member, interested bystander, and a former student, we would love to hear from you. Our alumni program showcases former students with a story about their post-school journey. Our ex-students can be tradespeople, business owners, entrepreneurs, professionals, and more. They can be dealing with people on a daily basis, researching in a scientific lab, caring for our vulnerable members of society, keeping a protective eye on our communities, writing the stories that make up our history, caring for our environment etc.

If you would like to have YOUR story showcased in our fortnightly newsletter, broadcast across our social media channels, used in information sessions for our students, and spotlighted in our Senior Study, then please send the following to

  • a bullet point list of what you have done since leaving Regional (please include the dates)
  • a short statement outlining advice that you would give to your younger self, knowing what you know now, and
  • an appropriate photo of yourself, possibly depicting you undertaking the work that you conduct as part of your career.

Mrs Leanne Tinsey
Careers Pathway

Weekly Lunch Specials
Term 1 Week 11 Lunch Specials 
Monday Hawaiian Chicken Burgers
Tuesday Bacon & Cheese Stuffed Potatoes 
Wednesday Chicken Enchiladas
Thursday Caesar Salad Bowls
Friday Pupil Free Day
Term 2 Week 1 Lunch Specials 
Monday Pupil Free Day
Tuesday Lasagne
Wednesday Tandoori Chicken Wrap
Thursday Chicken, Sweet Potato, Caramelised Onion Salad (GF)
Friday Feast Day

The Canteen opens at 8.00 am every school day.

CLICK HERE for the Canteen's everyday menu.

Breeanna Stone
Food Services Manager


St Joseph's Regional College has a number of different social media platforms. We would love for you to follow us.

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Twitter logo.jpg

St Joseph's Regional College

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Instagram - @sjrcport

St Joseph's Regional College - 50 year Celebrations

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Digital Ministry

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Instagram - Instagram - @sjrcexchange


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Administration News

Holiday Dance Day

The perfect way to keep your dancer movin & groovin in the school holidays ?

Thursday 18th April - PMPA Studios
Junior (6yrs - 10yrs)
10.00am - 1.00pm

Senior (11yrs Plus)
10.00am - 1.30pm

Classes In:

PBT, Jazz, Bollywood, Contemporary and Kicks, Leaps & Turns!
Book Your Child's Spot Today -



The stars are there to guide us, to inspire us, to remind us to believe in possibility.
Join us for a 'Wish' themed morning of dancing, games & craft!

Tuesday 23rd April - PMPA Studios
10.00am - 11.15am
Ages 2yrs - 7yrs

Book Your Child's Spot Today -


School Holiday Art Classes

Community News