SJRC Newsletter: Term 2 Week 6 - 7th June 2024

I want to express my sincere gratitude to Esther Cummins (Year 11), who delivered the Acknowledgement of Country on Wednesday at the Diocesan Leaders Gathering this week. Esther is a wonderful ambassador for our College and her culture.

Please find below the Acknowledgement of Country and the speech Esther delivered at the leader's gathering.

Acknowledgement of Country

Wiyabu, barraba yitirr Esther.

Ngatha Birrbay galbaan dhanbaan.

Yii Birrbay Barray.

Wanyimbu wanyimbu ganyila, wanyimbu wanyimbu ganyiy Birrbay Barray.

This always was and always will be Birrbay land.

Ngatha marrung-ngarra, I pay my respects to the ngarragal, Elders, past and present. - for they hold the knowledge and wisdom of

Birrbay, the land and our people, and will always keep us strong.

Nyiirun gathay wakulda.

We will walk as one.
We will walk as one.

This statement is one which is more important to our lives than ever before. Just last week, from the 27th of May to the 3rd of June, Australians celebrated Reconciliation Week, honouring the 2024 theme of “Now More than Ever”. This week commenced and concluded with anniversaries that commemorate key moments on our journey towards true reconciliation, understanding, progress, and celebration - the 1967 Referendum and the High Court of Australia’s 1992 Mabo Decision challenging terra nullius.

However, it is crucial, particularly within the education sector, that these discussions continue throughout the year. This needs to be a national conversation so that we can all walk this sacred land with pride at the progress that has been made and the future that we will share together.

Let us honour each other's stories and gifts and shape an Australia where everyone can know their potential, aspire to achieve their educational and career goals, and be proud of their heritage.

Marrungbu, thank you


Year 12 Students Run for Cancer

Cora_Puttick_Laura_Smith_Cure_for_Cancer_4_.jpgThis week, I've become aware of two Year 12 students, Cora Puttick and Laura Smith, who are living out the spirit of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop in the way of “Never see a need without doing something about it”. The girls have signed up for the challenge of running 3 km every day in June, joining the mission of the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation to unite the community to increase brain cancer survival and quality of life.

Cure Brain Cancer Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation and a leading voice for brain cancer research, advocacy and awareness in Australia who are striving to rapidly increase brain cancer survival and improve the quality of life for people living with this disease.

If you are in a position and feeling the call to show your support, please do so by donating to the cause. While the girls have created separate fundraising pages, together they are united in raising funds.



Stay safe, and have a great long weekend.long_weekend.jfif

Mrs Tanya Daley
Principal's Message Indigenous Education

Chewing Gum

Chewing_Gum.jfifWe would like to remind students that chewing gum is strictly prohibited on school grounds. This policy has always been in place to maintain safety, cleanliness and respect for our learning environment. Students found in possession of chewing gum will receive an afternoon detention.

We appreciate your cooperation in reinforcing this rule with your children.


Join us at ArtWalk tonight, Friday, 7th June, from 5:00pm for the A4Art Exhibition at Town Green! With 143 incredible artworks on display, you can vote for your favourite piece and meet our talented young artists.


Enjoy the long weekend.

Jennifer Furney
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care

Assistant Principal - Pastoral Student Welfare


Assessment is a formal process at St Joseph’s Regional College. Assessment is not simply a matter of measuring how much learning a student has completed or achieved in any given subject; it is a vital part of the learning process. Assessment informs teachers what students have learned and what they might be struggling with. It informs teacher practice and allows teachers to target student improvement. Assessment allows students to consolidate knowledge through active participation and pinpoints areas they can improve.

Students receive an assessment planner at the beginning of each term in PC time and they also receive formal assessment notifications for individual subjects approximately three weeks before any task is undertaken.

Parents are invited to support students in the process of assessment. Compass allows parents to engage with the relevant assessment planners. The location of these planners is indicated in the visual below.

Instructions for families accessing Compass via a desktop

Compass desktop School Documentation (1).png

Instructions for families accessing Compass via the app

Thank you for your support of our assessment practices and in targeting learning improvements for your students.

If you have any assessment queries, please direct these to Ms Anne Marchment, Leader of Curriculum.

5 Critical Questions for Learning

At this week's assembly, our Leader of Pedagogy, Mrs Claire Goldie, reiterated the importance of the 5 Critical Questions for Learning below and how and why they are used to assist students' learning goals.


At the start of the year, I spoke to students about this poster, which is displayed in all classrooms. One of the goals we have for students at the College is for them to become active and reflective learners during their time here so that they can have future success. We have high expectations for the learning of all our students. They would have noticed that during some of their lessons, the school leaders or other teachers come into classrooms and ask them these five questions.

Pedagogy slides Assembly week 6 Term 2 2024 (1).jpg

At the start of the year, students are shown this image and asked what their goals for the year are. Teachers then assist students with their learning goals by being intentional about what they teach.


Students are provided with small goals to maximise their learning and achieve success. In our classrooms, we call these Learning Intentions and Success Criteria.  At the start of every lesson, teachers will explain WHAT you are doing, WHY it is important in your Learning Intention, and how you can achieve it through the Success Criteria.

Learning Intention -

            • WHAT you are learning and

            • WHY it is important to understand.

Success Criteria -

            • HOW you are going to do this?


Teachers have ensured that everyone is very clear with the first two questions: what you are learning and why. If students are asked these, they should be able to respond with an understanding of the Learning Intention and Success Criteria


Now that students are competent with the first two questions, it is time to consider how they know if they are achieving the Learning Intention.

Question 3.
What feedback have you received from your teacher, your peers, or from a self-assessment?
Have you had a formal assessment, formative assessments, homework.
How do you know how you are going?
Question 4:
How can you improve?
What needs to change in your current actions to improve?
This might involve adding details to your answers or reflecting on your behaviour in the classroom.
Question 5:
Where in the classroom can you go for help?
Are there learning walls, bump-it-up charts, or anchor charts in your room?
Can you ask your learning buddy?
Teachers are here to teach, help and support learning and are more than happy to answer questions. However, to create critical thinkers, think about before you ask the teacher: where else can you get help, or do you already have the skills and knowledge to find the answer?

These five questions will continue to be asked. Students are asked to listen to and engage with the Learning Intentions and Success Criteria in every lesson so that they know how to answer them.

Mr Ian Lutton
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Curriculum Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Friday 7th June


The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, celebrated 19 days after Pentecost, honours Christ’s divine love for humanity. This devotion highlights the physical heart of Jesus as a symbol of his boundless and compassionate love. The celebration calls the faithful to contemplate the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and the infinite mercy extended to all.

This feast originated in the 17th century through the visions of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, who received revelations from Jesus emphasising the importance of his Sacred Heart. These visions underscored themes of reparation for sin, devotion, and the transformative power of Christ's love.

From this special day, Catholics learn the profound significance of Christ's love and are called to reciprocate it. The Sacred Heart invites the faithful to embrace a life of love, forgiveness, and humility. It challenges Catholics to seek deeper communion with Jesus, recognising his heart as a wellspring of grace and mercy.

We are encouraged to develop a compassionate and loving heart, mirroring Christ’s example. It serves as a reminder to love unconditionally, to show mercy, and to strive for a heart attuned to the needs and sufferings of others. The St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal offers us an opportunity to live out that unconditional love, read on for more!
Image: Artist Unknown. Sacred Heart of Jesus (19th-century) Portuguese school. Creative Commons

The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saturday 8th June

Mary.pngCelebrated the day after the Patronal Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, this honours Mary's pure and loving heart. This devotion emphasises her profound love for God and her maternal love for humanity. The feast invites the faithful to reflect on Mary's virtues, especially her humility, obedience, and purity. Through her Immaculate Heart, Catholics find a model of unwavering faith and selfless love.

Mary's life is a testament to her deep trust in God's plan, despite the uncertainties and sufferings she faced. Her fiat, or "yes" to God, exemplifies perfect obedience and complete surrender to divine will. By meditating on her Immaculate Heart, Catholics are encouraged to cultivate these same virtues in their own lives. Mary's heart, filled with compassion and grace, serves as a beacon of hope and a source of strength.

From her example, Catholics learn the importance of living a life centred on love and service to others. Embracing her humility and faith can lead to a closer relationship with God. The Immaculate Heart of Mary inspires the faithful to strive for purity of heart and to be instruments of God's love in the world.
Image: Leopold Kupelwieser (1796–1862). Creative Commons

Whilst we are talking about Mary…
A question often asked is: Why do Catholics pray to Mary?

This is one of the most asked questions and is often a focus of criticism for Catholics. In English, the word “pray” means simply “to ask.” It does not mean “worship.” Many non-Catholic Christians equate the two terms, but they are not the same. In Catholicism the word “worship or adore” in Latin is latria. This is the adoration given only to God. Catholics do not worship Mary as a goddess and we do not consider her divine. She is human, just as we are, but she was chosen by God to be the Mother of Jesus, who is God with us. Therefore, we call her Mother of God. We give her what we call dulia, which is Latin for “honour or venerate.” As in the commandment to honour your father and mother. Prayers such as the Hail Mary are prayers that ask her to pray for us.

St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal

Over the coming weeks, we will be launching our Vinnies Winter Appeal. Thank you to the Student Leaders of Mission who will be coordinating events. There will be an out-of-uniform day on Friday of Week 8 for gold coin donations and donations of warm clothing and blankets. All donations of clothing should be clean and undamaged. We will communicate other events through the College's social media platforms and in morning notices for students.


Merit Update

It is wonderful to see so many students being recognised for a range of traits that exemplify who we are at SJRC. As of the 30th June, staff at the College have awarded over 8400 merits to students. Merits have been awarded for the following reasons:

  • Act of Kindness
  • Act of Service
  • College Representation
  • Consistent Application
  • Demonstrating School Spirit
  • Improved Application to Learning
  • Improved Conduct
  • Outstanding Results
  • Significant Learning Growth.

Parents can see these on Compass, so we encourage parents to log in to see the merits that students have been awarded. Accrued merits earn students Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum awards, and to date, the following awards have been issued:

  • Bronze Awards 340
  • Silver Awards 46
  • Gold Awards 4

This week, we would like to highlight and congratulate the following students for achieving the first four gold awards. Congratulations:

Ellie Fagnani
Sophie Kahler
Georgina Keogh
Riley Robinson


We encourage students to talk to their teachers if they feel that they have earned a merit!


St Agnes' Church Gospel Reflections 

Fr Paul Gooley is continuing to provide Gospel readings and reflections via email and online Monday to Saturday for those interested in connecting with their faith in this way.

Click to watch Fr Paul's Gospel Readings and Reflections.

St Agnes' Parish News Bulletin

The Parish news bulletin is produced weekly. In this week's bulletin:

  • Welcome to Fr Alejo Despacio Jr
  • Vinnies Winter Appeal
  • Reflection on the Eucharist
  • St Agnes' Parish Volunteer Opportunities
  • Parish Farewell Mass and Morning Tea for Fr Roland
  • Encounter Youth
  • Mass time

The latest edition is available via this link Parish News Bulletin

Mr Matthew Bushe
Assistant Principal- Mission
St Agnes' Parish News Administration News Evangelisation Awards Assistant Principal - Mission

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available about support provided to students with disability.

Please find below the NCCD letter.

National sessions: “Preparing for Pathway to Employment Post School” 

Pathway to Post-school Employment information for students with Disability from Year 9 - 12.

The NDIA would like to invite students with disabilities in Years 9-12, their parents, carers, and education professionals to a virtual information session.

This session is about building skills and paving a pathway to post-school employment and life.

We will discuss a range of NDIS-funded supports and other assistance available to help young people build skills to prepare for their transition, and support them in achieving employment and other goals.

Sessions are delivered via videoconference using Microsoft Teams and are offered over multiple dates to allow flexibility for attendees.

Each session covers the same content. Please only register for one session.

Session 1 - Tuesday 18th June 10:00am-11:00am

Session 2 - Wednesday 19th June 1:00pm-2:00pm

Session 3 - Thursday 20th June 6:00pm-7:00pm

For any enquiries regarding this session, please contact and include the session name in the subject line.

Reserve your spot by clicking this link - Reserve your Spot

Further sessions will be made available. Please visit our events page: Latest events | NDIS

Janine Handley
Leader of Learning (Diversity & Inclusion)

Diversity & Inclusion

ADF Careers Raffle Winners

Congratulations to Hugh Hayward and Sophie Bentley, students in Year 10, who were the lucky winners of the ADF Careers raffle conducted at the recent MidCoast Careers Market. It's great to see community connections being forged through our students' opportunities to engage with post-school providers. Mid Coast Connect

Leaders of Future Pathways
Mrs Leanne Tinsey & Mrs Karren Bale


Recently, we asked for any former student of St Joseph's Regional College or St Joseph's Regional High School who would like to submit an alumni report to please do so. To our delight, we received this from Jen Berkley, who graduated from St Joseph's Regional High Year 10 class in 1988, back at the old Warlters Street site.

From a degree majoring in History, to a very analytical IT career, Jen demonstrates the depth and breadth of a CV developed over many years. In her advice to her younger self, she quotes from "Wear Sunscreen", coincidentally recorded by yet another former alumni, the prodigious Baz Luhrmann. You can listen to his version of the piece here at

Great work, Jen. Thank you for sharing those wise words about life and enjoying our youth, and practising gratitude.

#wherearetheynow #aHSC4opportunity #analyst #trainer


Mrs Leanne Tinsey
Careers Pathway

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St Joseph's Regional College graduate Blake Steep has cracked the title of fully-fledged first grader after coming off the bench in his debut for the NRL Sydney Roosters on the weekend.

Blake attended the College up until Year 10 before finishing his studies at The Scots College in Years 11-12. He was a natural athlete and a physical presence on the Touch Football and Rugby League field. Along with many College sporting teams, Blake played Rugby League for the Port Macquarie Sharks and Touch Football for the Port Macquarie Makos.

Blake established himself with the Roosters Academy and SG Ball side before pushing into the NSW cup side as an agile back-rower. 


After being named in the top 30 squad for 2024, Blake's childhood dream of playing first grade for the Roosters was realised on Sunday when he debuted in Round 13 against the North Queensland Cowboys. He played 13 minutes off the bench for 38 running metres, 7 tackles and 4 offloads.


Blake is only the third SJRC student to debut for an NRL side. The most notable being Joel Caine who attended in the mid 1990's. Joel debuted in 1998 for St George Dragons before going on to play 97 NRL games across six seasons including 75 games for Wests Tigers. Caine continued his career in the English Super League for the London Broncos and Salford Reds, later returning to Australia for a successful media career with 2GB, Nine, Fox Sports and Sportsbet.

Congratulations on reaching your goals, Blake. Our College community will not only remember your years of hard work and sporting excellence, but your legacy of leadership, humility and determination.

We wish you every success in your professional career.

4th June, 2024

Damien Kelly
Leader of Sport

Sport sports_article Rugby League
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Congratulations  to Evie Gill, Emilee Franklin, Danny Barratt and Zac Lovett who represented the Lismore Diocese at the NSW CCC Football Championships and Selections.

Selections are held in Glenwood at Football NSW headquarters and involve games and drills against all other Catholc school students in NSW.

Unfortunatley, no students from the Lismore Diocese were selected into the CCC squads.


Damien Kelly

Leader of Sport

Sport sports_article Soccer
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Congratulations to the following students who competed at the NSW Catholic Combined Colleges Cross Country at the Sydney Equestrian Centre. 

  • Joel Robinson

2024 Full Results Here

Damien Kelly

SJRC Leader of Sport

5th June 2024

Sport sports_article Cross Country

The Encounter Youth Program is held every Friday at the Youth Hub.  Come along and join in the fun.

When: Every Friday
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Where: @ The Youth Hub
Cost: $5 for dinner

Friday 7th June: What can I do?

What is a Saint?
How many Saints are there?
Why do we have Saints?
What does it mean to be a Saint in a time so new and different, like our own?


Encounter Kick-on’s (Sunday’s after the 5pm Mass)

 Group games and supper. Come join us.


Happening Soon:

Hood Night - Friday 14th of June 
Join us this week as we strengthen the bonds with our brothers and sisters in Christ through Brotherhood and Sisterhood!


Zac Parnell

Youth Coordinator
St Agnes' Catholic Parish
49 Hay Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444
T 02 6588 7444

St Agnes' Parish News Evangelisation

St Joseph's Regional College has a number of different social media platforms. We would love for you to follow us.

Facebook logo.jpg
Twitter logo.jpg

St Joseph's Regional College

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Instagram - @sjrcport

St Joseph's Regional College - 50 year Celebrations

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Digital Ministry

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Instagram - Instagram - @sjrcexchange


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Administration News
Weekly Lunch Specials
Term 2 Week 7 Lunch Specials 
Monday Public Holiday
Tuesday Fried Rice (GF)
Wednesday Spinach & Ricotta Tart (Vegetarian)
Thursday Gourmet Sausage Dogs
Friday Chicken Carbonara
Term 2 Week 8 Lunch Specials 
Monday Vegetarian Pesto Ravioli
Tuesday Caesar Wrap
Wednesday Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry
Thursday Beef Nachos (GF)
Friday Hawaiian Chicken Burger

The Canteen opens at 8.00 am every school day.

CLICK HERE for the Canteen's everyday menu.

Breeanna Stone
Food Services Manager


The St Agnes’ Foundation Promotion & Fundraising Committee is always on the lookout for ways to raise funds to help those in need in our community and continue the good work of the Foundation. The foundation has recently partnered with the Ritchies Community Benefit Program and would love you to get behind this initiative, especially if you shop at Ritchies IGA or Ritchies Liquorstore already.

How does it work?

  • You download the Ritchies App, or pick up a Ritchies Card in store and register it online
  • Nominate St Agnes’ Foundation as the beneficiary
  • Shop at Ritchies (Australia wide) and 0.5% of your purchases will go to St Agnes’ Foundation
  • The more members and supporters, who then shop and use the card or App, the more donation dollars the Foundation will receive!

Want to know more about this Parish Charity? Please visit

If you haven’t already done so, you can become a Ritchies loyalty member and nominate the St Agnes’ Foundation as your chosen charity by scanning the QR code on the attached flyers. 

St Agnes' Parish News

Scale Model Expo
The annual is on again, in the July School holidays. Holiday fun for a gold coin entry fee. This goes towards supporting the Port Macquarie Mid North Coast Maritime Museum.

  • A wide variety of models, including radio-controlled ships and aircraft, period ships, and working railways.
  • View models constructed of timber, fibreglass, and resin. Plastic-scale models will include aircraft, both modern jets and old warbirds, armoured fighting vehicles, science fiction, ships, trucks, cars, and figures.
  • Demonstrations are held by world-class modellers from around the state.
  • Vendors will carry everything from basic starter kits. Modelling tools and paints, through to advanced kits and accessories for skilled builders.Model_Poster_2024_school_version.jpg

Community News