SJRC Newsletter: Term 2 Week 8 - 21st June 2024

Introducing our SAPSS Parent Consultative Committee (PCC) Representatives

For many years now, the St Agnes’ Parish Secondary Schools (SAPSS) have had a combined parent forum that meets twice a term. Each of the Secondary Colleges has two parent representatives on the committee. The purpose of the committee is for the parents to work collaboratively with the leaders of the colleges to provide feedback on school initiatives, and provide a voice for parents to make suggestions, express views and share experiences and expectations.

Please find below a profile from each of our St Joseph's Regional College representatives, Bittu Baby and Sara Kelly

Bittu Baby
Bittu_Baby_5_Copy.jpgMy name is Bittu Baby. My family and I moved to Port Macquarie in 2013. I work as a Clinical Nurse Specialist at Port Macquarie Base Hospital operating theatre recovery unit, and my wife Jaya is an Anaesthetic Nurse. We are proud to be actively involved in the St Agnes' Parish community; our two boys, Don and Dane, are altar servers.

I had the privilege of joining the PCC five years ago, in 2019. It’s a really good forum that discusses how and what we can do to support the student's education and activities, along with goals, expectations, and strategies to help and support students to succeed. I have had the opportunity to meet the principals of three different schools and observe their visions and progress. I am blessed to be part of this system.

My boys feel very lucky for the opportunity to be a part of the Catholic Education community. They have been taught skills that will help them flourish spiritually, emotionally and socially, giving them the confidence to interact well with others. Priority is placed on promoting positive relationships and improving their well-being and mental health, which helps them to thrive at school and prepares them for other experiences beyond the classroom. Don finished his HSC in 2022 and is doing Nuclear medicine at the University of Newcastle. Dane is currently in Year 10.

Sara Kelly
Sara_Kelly_8_Copy.jpgMy name is Sara Kelly, I joined the PCC this year. I am finding it such a great opportunity to meet some wonderful people from our school and the other high schools in our parish.

I have been part of 'The Regional' community since 2020 when we moved to the local area for the start of Term 4 that year. I have two daughters, one in Year 10 and another in Year 11.

We all love being part of this school community, and I am really looking forward to getting even more involved through the opportunities that arise with the PCC role.

Thank you to Bittu and Sara for representing our parents in 2024. If you would like to contact Bittu or Sara, please send an email to with a request that they contact you. Our administration team will pass your message on.


On Monday evening, St Agnes' Education and the Creative Arts Nest team hosted a vibrant celebration of art, uniting students, teachers, and sponsors in a festival of creativity, colour, connection and collaboration. It truly was the night of nights for our very exciting event of the year!

A heartfelt congratulations to all our participants, finalists, and the highly commended recipients. Your talent and hard work have truly shone through. And to our winners—what an incredible achievement! You have inspired us all with your creativity and passion.

Thank you to everyone who made this event possible. Here's to another year of connection, creativity and belonging.

Families of winning entries have been informed that Stu Doherty, our sponsor from the Wauchope Creative Hub, will be exhibiting the artworks of all our winners at the Hub in a couple of weeks’ time.

All finalists’ artworks will be returned to students from next week. However, your child is the category winner and, therefore, will only receive their artwork once the Wauchope exhibition ends.

Please click the following link to view the finalist's artwork -

Well done, and a round of applause to the staff and teachers at our Parish schools for their involvement in this event: MacKillop College, St Joseph's Regional College, Newman Senior Technical College, St Joseph's Primary Port Macquarie, St Peter's Primary School, Port Macquarie and St Agnes’ Primary School.

Congratulations to Elise Grein, Maya Marshall, and Samual Smith for your excellent artwork and for being recognised at the awards evening.


Congratulations also to all our finalists.

Year 7
Estella Sonter - Flying Through Dreams
Maya Marshall -  A Room with a View
William Ashton - New Life Emerging
Leila McDonnell - Sunny Rises
Taylor Saville - Juxpositions of Life
Chloe Higgins - Black Bird
Year 8
Willa Corless-Brown - Crumpled
Glynnie Mae Domingo - Tiger
Ruby Redman - Wishy Bo Singing into the Distance
Year 9
Sam Milnes-Thurling - Backstabber
Tallowa Hill - Pulled Back Curtains
Sophie Kahler - What world would you live in?
Year 10
Samual Smith
- Prismatic Bovine, a Spectrum of Colour
Archie Dorn
- Lazy Animator
Year 11
Matilda Shields
- The Bleeding Tree
Bella Hopper
- The Excursion
Mrs Claire Goldie
- Ethereal Koala: A Portrait in Smoke

Chicken Pox

It has come to my attention that we currently have an active case of Chicken Pox in our school community. Below is information from the NSW Department of Health. If this raises concern for you, please don't hesitate to contact me via the College Office - 5525 4100.

Principal's Message

Year 7-10 Award Ceremony Friday 5th July 9.05 am in the College Hall

The Year 7-10 Semester One Awards Ceremony will be conducted on Friday, 5th July from 9:05am - 10:05am in the College Hall. A Compass alert notifying you of your child being a recipient of an Outstanding Application or Achievement Award or a Community Service Award will be sent to all families by the middle of next week. Parents and family members are encouraged to attend as a way of celebrating the achievements of their child/relative throughout Semester One

Year 11 Awards Ceremony Wednesday 31st July 9:05am in the Performing Arts Centre

The Year 11 Awards Ceremony will be held in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC) on Wednesday, 31st July, from 9:05am until 10:00am.  This is because a large number of Year 11 students will have work placement during Week 10 and cannot attend the awards ceremony. This will also result in the reports being published at a later date to align with the ceremony in Week 2 of Term 3. A Compass alert notifying you of your child being a recipient of an Outstanding Application or Achievement Award or a Community Service Award will be sent to all families by the middle of Week 10 to avoid any confusion with the Year 7-10 Awards Ceremony. Parents and family members are encouraged to attend as a way of celebrating the achievements of their child/relative throughout Semester One

Issuing of Year 7-11 Semester One Academic Reports

  • Year 7-10 Semester One Reports issued Friday, Week 10 Term 2, 5th July at 2:30pm.
  • Year 11 Semester One Report issued Wednesday, 31st July

Friday, Week 10, all Year 7-10 Semester One reports will be live on the parent portal. These reports will provide valuable insight into how your child has progressed throughout the first half of the academic year. Year 11 reports will be distributed after the Year 11 Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, Week 2 of Term 3. The Semester One reports will contain three discrete pieces of information:

  • Common Grade Scale for Year 7-10 and a ROSA grade for Year 11 reports. This an A-E reporting scale.
  • Academic profile which are titled Knowledge, Skills and Understanding (KSU’s), which report on the student's understanding of subject-specific content and outcomes.
  • Learning behaviours are titled Commitment to Learning (CTL’s) and relate to a student’s work habits within each subject; these descriptors are common across all subjects studied.

Year 10 into 11 Transition Program

At the start of next term, there will be Parent and Student Information sessions to help guide our students to enable a successful transition into Stage 6. Students have been given their SJRC Year 11 2025 enrolment handbooks this week and will receive their Newman Senior Technical College handbook in Week 10. There are two important information evenings early next term

  • St Joseph’s Regional College Year 11 2025 Information evening Monday 29th July 6:00pm College Hall
  • Newman Senior Technical College Year 11 2024 Information evening Tuesday 30th July, Newman College.


Register your spot!

Mr Ian Lutton
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Curriculum Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Love Bites

Early in Term 3, all Year 10 students will complete the LOVE BITES RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS PROGRAM. This fantastic program is part of our work on respectful relationships and consent education. More detailed communication will be coming home to Year 10 parents next week. Please ensure communication is reviewed and questions or concerns are forwarded to the College.

Chewing Gum

Reminder: All students are aware that chewing gum is banned at SJRC. Chewing gum creates a health and safety risk in terms of its disposal and makes a big mess around our beautiful school. We appreciate parent support in upholding our position on the eradication of chewing gum from our school environment.

Policy Update

Last week, I invited feedback from parents of Years 11 & 12 students regarding the proposed Student-Driver Policy, which is scheduled to be rolled out across all Lismore Diocese schools in 2025. We also invited senior students to participate in a student forum to hear their voices on the proposed policy. The policy (in its draft form) can be viewed at THIS LINK. Please email me directly if you would like me to pass on feedback to our Diocesan Office to assist in the finalising of the policy document:

Tell Them From Me

This year’s 'Tell Them From Me' data has been released, and initial data analysis has once again indicated that positive peer relationships are a real strength of our school community. We know that during adolescence, young people are much more readily influenced by same-age peers than by most adults in their lives. It is therefore encouraging to see that at SJRC, students recognise the positive influence of their peers in encouraging them to make positive choices:


Attendance Matters - Compass App

Many parents and carers are using the Compass App to submit attendance notes. We kindly request that any planned partial absences (such as late arrivals or early departures) be communicated directly to our front office staff via phone and not entered into Compass. This helps ensure smooth coordination and accurate attendance records. Guide to 'How to Submit an Attendance Note'

Similarly, please do not alter attendance notes' start and finish times sent via SMS for unexplained absences. The attendance note you are completing and submitting is for the duration of the absence, not the time you are submitting the note.

If you want to submit any attendance information or notifications and are unsure how to access these actions in the Compass App, please ensure you email, and we will do our best to assist you.

Attendance Matters - Every Day at School Counts

If you’re having difficulty getting your child to school on time every day, contact the school so we can work together to find a solution.

Reaching out to the school is a proactive and constructive step if you're experiencing difficulties in getting your child to school on time.

Contact your child's Pastoral Care Leader to discuss any specific challenges your child may be facing. Subject teachers can provide insights into the classroom dynamics and academic progress, helping to identify potential areas of concern.

Collaborate with the school to identify any underlying issues contributing to your child's difficulty getting to school on time. These could involve academic challenges, social issues, or other factors impacting your child's motivation or well-being.
Read about School Avoidance:


Transport for NSW reminds students to 'Buckle up on the Bus'

Where buses are equipped with seatbelts, students are encouraged to buckle up. Wearing a seatbelt doubles their chance of survival in a crash - it's a simple act that is not only a legal requirement but one that could save their life. The student must use the seatbelt correctly and buckle up without being asked by the bus driver. 

Jennifer Furney
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care

Assistant Principal - Pastoral Student Welfare

Gold Merits

Congratulations to the following four students who achieved the Gold level status this week. 

Alexandra Ellis
Hailey Collins
Liam McDonnell
Addison English


A New Ambo

Ambo_3_.jpgWe would like to thank Mr Timo Gobius for his craftsmanship and generosity in designing and constructing a new Ambo for use in our College Liturgies. This piece was constructed out of Blackwood from the Northern Rivers to match our Altar.

Like the Altar, where the Liturgy of the Eucharist is celebrated, the Ambo is where the Liturgy of the Word is celebrated. The Catholic Mass is made up of these two liturgies.

The word 'Ambo' comes from a Greek word meaning ‘both.’ This is to symbolise the readings from both, the ambo and the lectern. The ambo is stationary and was designed for the minister of the word only. This is where the priest reads the Gospel and does the preaching. The lectern is movable and intended for readings other than the Gospel. In contemporary Catholic churches, in the Liturgy of the Word, all scripture readings occur at the Ambo.

We are so blessed to have such generous and skilled staff who use their gifts for the good of the community and our Catholic faith. Mr Gobius' new creation was used for the first time at the Year 11 Mass in our College Chapel this week. Thank you, Mr Gobius!


Year 11 Service Mass: A Celebration of Generosity and Community

From Heidi Flanagan, Leader of Student Wellbeing for Year 11.

On Wednesday morning, our College Chapel was filled with the spirit of service and community as we celebrated the Year 11 Service Mass. The students participated beautifully, with many volunteering for various roles, contributing to a heartfelt and meaningful celebration.

This Mass marked the culmination of a dedicated service initiative to raise funds and encourage volunteerism to support our local M.A.D Van. M.A.D, which stands for ‘Make A Difference’, serves the most vulnerable in our community, offering them a friendly face and a hot cup of coffee. The initiative has been a resounding success, raising $518 and inspiring 31 students to volunteer for the Wednesday morning service at Westport Park, next to the Marine Rescue building.

Our Year 12 students have been incredibly generous with their time and efforts in supporting this cause. As they now focus on their upcoming Trial exams, the baton of service is being passed to our Year 11 students. I cannot thank the beautiful and generous Year 11 students enough for their enthusiastic involvement in this initiative. Their commitment to making a difference in our community is truly inspiring.

Engaging in service not only benefits those in need but also provides personal wellbeing benefits for the volunteers. Serving others fosters a sense of purpose, builds empathy, and enhances social connections, all of which contribute to improved mental and emotional health. Our students' involvement in the MAD Van initiative is a testament to the positive impact that service can have on both the community and the individuals who serve.

We look forward to seeing the continued impact of their efforts and the positive change they will bring through their service.

Thank you, and congratulations, Year 11 and Pastoral Care teachers.


5:00pm Youth and Family Mass

SJRC hosts music and other ministries for the 5:00pm Mass at St Agnes Church this Sunday.

As a Catholic school, our connection with our parish community is essential. Each of the schools in our parish regularly provides the music and other liturgical ministries for our Sunday Masses. This Sunday, students and staff will be providing the music for the 5:00pm Youth and Family Mass. We warmly invite our college families to come along to this mass. You will see familiar faces and there will also be the Encounter Kick-On’s for all our young people. It is half an hour of fun and games directly after mass - led by Zac Parnell, our Parish Youth Coordinator.

We would love to see you there.

Vinnies’ Winter Appeal

Vinnies_Winter_Appeal.pngOur Senior Student Leaders of Mission launched our Winter Appeal this week at our College assembly. Today, we had an out-of-uniform day for gold coins, warm blankets, and clothing. We are grateful for all donations, as these will support the many people in our community and beyond who may otherwise endure a cold and harsh winter.

From our day today, we raised approximately $1200, and we have a large amount of warm clothing and blankets that will be sorted and sent to our local Vinnies store.
Congratulations, and thank you to all of our families.

  • A Hot Chocolate stall next Wednesday where students can purchase a warming drink before school for $3.

  • A Colouring-in Competition with an entry fee of just 50 cents. Entries can be purchased at the Library any morning or lunchtime this week and next week.
  • In Term 3, we have our Sleep-Out at MacKillop College. Stay tuned for more information about this. Students can source sponsors and then have a night “sleeping rough” at MacKillop that involves games, a guest speaker and a light, warm meal.

NAIDOC Week - Week 10

As has become our practice, we are celebrating NAIDOC Week in Week 10 this term. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. The National celebration of NAIDOC Week will occur over the school holidays and events will run at various venues throughout the local area.

NAIDOC Week, celebrated annually in Australia, holds profound significance as it honours the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Originally emerging from the 1920s Aboriginal rights movement, NAIDOC Week has evolved into a nationwide event that fosters understanding and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. It features a variety of cultural activities, educational events, and community gatherings to celebrate Indigenous heritage and advocate for social justice. By highlighting themes reflecting contemporary issues and triumphs, NAIDOC Week is crucial in promoting awareness, respect, and unity across Australian society.

Some highlights for NAIDOC Week, Week 10 will include:

  • BBQ and Drinks for sale during our Athletics Carnival on Tuesday. All money raised will go to charities with a strong Indigenous focus.
  • A Special NAIDOC Week assembly on Wednesday, where will celebrate First Nations culture and hear from some local Aboriginal Elders. All families are invited to attend this special event.
  • An out-of-uniform day on Wednesday with a Gold Coin donation to charities with a strong Indigenous focus. Students are asked to come in the colours of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags (either red, black, yellow, blue, green or white)
  • Various activities during the lunchtimes throughout the week for all students.

Special Days in the Church Calendar

June 22

Saints John Fisher, Bishop & Martyr and Thomas More, Martyr - Optional Memorial
Saint John Fisher: 1469–1535
Invoked for: courage, and by those who are persecuted.
Saint Thomas More: 1478–1535
Patron Saint of: statesmen, politicians, lawyers, civil servants, court clerks, adopted children, large families, stepparents, and difficult marriages.
Canonised by Pope Pius XI on May 19, 1935

June 24

Birth of Saint John the Baptist - Solemnity
First Century: During the time of Saint John the Baptist’s birth, it was commonly believed that a woman's inability to conceive was a sign of God's disapproval and a punishment for sin. Although we now understand that this is not the case, it is noteworthy that God often chose to bring forth great leaders from women who had long prayed for a child. For instance, Sarah was unable to conceive before giving birth to Isaac, Rebekah before Esau and Jacob, Rachel before Joseph, Manoah’s wife before Samson, and Hannah before Samuel. Today’s solemnity commemorates one of the most significant births in history. Remember that Jesus himself later proclaimed, “Amen, I say to you, among those born of women, there has been none greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11).

Patron Saint of: baptism, bird dealers, converts, monastic life, motorways, printers, tailors, lambs, and prisoners.
Pre-Congregation canonisation
Liturgical Colour: White or Gold

St John the Baptist… Pray for us
St John Fisher… Pray for us
St Thomas More… Pray for us


St Agnes' Church Gospel Reflections 

Fr Paul Gooley is continuing to provide Gospel readings and reflections via email and online Monday to Saturday for those interested in connecting with their faith in this way.

Click to watch Fr Paul's Gospel Readings and Reflections.

St Agnes' Parish News Bulletin

The Parish news bulletin is produced weekly. In this week's bulletin:

  • Farewell Message from Fr Roland
  • St Agnes' Catholic Parish Homelessness Support 'Our Place' Food Drive
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Year of Prayer
  • Vinnies Winter Appeal

The latest edition is available via this link Parish News Bulletin

Mr Matthew Bushe
Assistant Principal- Mission
St Agnes' Parish News Administration News Evangelisation Awards Assistant Principal - Mission

The Encounter Youth Program is held every Friday at the Youth Hub.  Come along and join in the fun.

When: Every Friday
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Where: @ The Youth Hub
Cost: $5 for dinner

Feathers found? Angels Around - Friday 21st June

Ever heard that finding a feather on your pillow means an angel has visited you?
Join us this Friday at Encounter Youth to learn about angels' real role, bust some myths, and discover how we can connect with their amazing grace—feathers and all!


Encounter Kick-on’s (Sunday’s after the 5pm Mass)

 Group games and supper. Come join us.


Happening Soon:

End of Term Pyjama Party - Friday 28th of June 

Dinner for breakfast? A Disney Movie Night?
Comfy pyjamas?
Your favourite movie snacks?

It’s coming to the end of the term, and we want to celebrate with a pyjama party! Wear your pyjamas, bring your favourite movie snack, and we will provide dinner with a show.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Zac Parnell

Youth Coordinator
St Agnes' Catholic Parish
49 Hay Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444
T 02 6588 7444

St Agnes' Parish News Evangelisation

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available about support provided to students with disability.

Please find below the NCCD letter.

Janine Handley
Leader of Learning (Diversity & Inclusion)

Diversity & Inclusion

Families and friends are most welcome to attend the upcoming Dance and Drama Open being held in our College PAC on Thursday 4th July 2024.

Creative Arts

Work Experience

Sam Duff
In week 5 of this term, I travelled down to Sydney for 4 days of work experience at JMC Academy. Throughout these four days, I experienced what it would be like to attend JMC and what it would be like as a recording artist. Throughout the four days of work experience, the seven attendees learned three songs, performed them to all the students there, recorded them in a state-of-the-art recording studio and made our own songs. This experience definitely made me want to pursue a career in music, and I would highly recommend this to any music students who are curious about what it would be like to study music at university.

Kailei Sharp
Recently, Year 10 student Kailei Sharp spent five days in Sydney for an environmental engineering work experience and in her words…. ‘it was great!’

“I got to be a part of some really big projects such as the Surry Hills Sydney surveying project, working with some of the instruments and equipment and being a part of their work. I attended a meeting with one of the largest tunnelling businesses in Sydney, Pells Sullivan Meynink (PSM), and I got to see their newest tunnelling project, which I was able to write about in my report.

I visited the Sydney Opera House for the first time and learnt about its design, how it was made and the overall expense and time it took to make it. I saw first-hand and went on-site to see the latest highway in Sydney being made, the Warringah Highway. At the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney), I saw in VR (virtual reality) 3D-modelled mine shafts that let construction workers know the vibration waves, keeping all workers in shafts safe. This gave me a whole new perspective of what I want to do after Years 11 and 12.

Everyone was so kind and welcoming, and I had so much fun. Thanks to this work experience I now want to pursue mineral engineering which will bring further opportunities to our energy and technology sectors and will even influence how we live in the future.”

This has definitely been a highlight in my year.

Leaders of Future Pathways
Mrs Leanne Tinsey & Mrs Karren Bale


Former student Elenya Dixon has taken her very portable degree in Nursing with her as she travels Australia with her young family and creates content. What a great example of work-life balance, such an important aspect in our modern workplaces. You can follow Elenya's journey at Elnick.Adventures

#nurse #contentcreator #aHSC4opportunity #wherearetheynow


Mrs Leanne Tinsey
Careers Pathway

Weekly Lunch Specials
Term 2 Week 9 Lunch Specials 
Monday Bacon & Egg Loaded Roll
Tuesday Butter Chicken & Rice
Wednesday Chicken Pesto Toasted Turkish Sandwich
Thursday Chicken Quesadilla's
Friday Parmesan Potatoes & Beef Sausages (GF)
Term 2 Week 10 Lunch Specials 
Monday Tandoori Chicken & Rice
Tuesday Athletics Carnival - Canteen is open, but NO hot food is available
Wednesday Hamburgers
Thursday Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Potatoes
Friday No specials - regular menu only 

The Canteen opens at 8.00 am every school day.

CLICK HERE for the Canteen's everyday menu.

Breeanna Stone
Food Services Manager


St Joseph's Regional College has a number of different social media platforms. We would love for you to follow us.

Facebook logo.jpg
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St Joseph's Regional College

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Instagram - @sjrcport

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Digital Ministry

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Instagram - Instagram - @sjrcexchange


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Administration News

Scale Model Expo
The annual is on again, in the July School holidays. Holiday fun for a gold coin entry fee. This goes towards supporting the Port Macquarie Mid North Coast Maritime Museum.

  • A wide variety of models, including radio-controlled ships and aircraft, period ships, and working railways.
  • View models constructed of timber, fibreglass, and resin. Plastic-scale models will include aircraft, both modern jets and old warbirds, armoured fighting vehicles, science fiction, ships, trucks, cars, and figures.
  • Demonstrations are held by world-class modellers from around the state.
  • Vendors will carry everything from basic starter kits. Modelling tools and paints, through to advanced kits and accessories for skilled builders.Model_Poster_2024_school_version.jpg

Community News